Perfex CRM support various action hooks all over the code to give the buyers the best experience.
Create file with name my_functions_helper.php in application/helpers/. This file is reserved for all your functions.
TIP: If you need some action hook added anywhere in the code please let us know by opening
Before add any code in my_functions_helper.php, make sure that you set development mode in order to see any errors and functions/hooks deprecation warnings.
Version 2.3.0 and above.
hooks()->add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1);
hooks()->add_filter($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1);
hooks()->do_action($tag, $arg = '');
hooks()->apply_filters($tag, $value, $additionalParams);
The functions below are prior to version 2.3.0
Add Action Hook
Example action hook for after_client_added
Note: this code should be inside my_functions_helper.php mentioned earlier.
This is example where the action do not expect to return $data.
function callback_after_client_added_insert_to_local_database($id)
$clientid = $id;
// Do Staff with $clientid
Example action hook for before_client_added
This is example where the action expect to return $data
function callback_before_client_added_check_company($data)
if($data['company'] == 'Test'){
$data['company'] = '';
return $data;